Stop Blocking Your Blessings: How Embracing Change Could be the Solution to Your Problems

I grew up around sports. Both of my sisters and my dad were heavily involved in multiple sports, whether they were on the team or coaching. Throughout my middle school, high school and college years, I managed football and basketball teams.

This is what I thought I’d always be doing. I was ready for it. I had planned for it.

My career journey has been anything but given circumstances that couldn’t be changed, and new opportunities that presented themselves. Now, instead of managing sports teams, I’m managing large-scale events, operations of businesses and government projects. If you had asked 18-year-old me if this is what I was going to do, I would’ve responded with an adamant NO.

But I love what I do, and I’m good at it. It’s a blessing. 

A few weeks ago, I met up for coffee with a young, fellow entrepreneur. While we were chatting, he said something that resonated with me so quickly that I had to ask if I could write about it here.

“I’ve got to stop blocking my blessings.”

Something he said so casually got me thinking about all the times I’ve seen my clients and even myself do this. We’re too quick to see a change as something bad – something to fear, that we don’t realize it could be a blessing in disguise.

With my clients, I often see people standing in the way of their own success. They’ve got a system in place, but it’s not working (hence why Showpiece Solutions exists), yet they are hesitant to do things differently. And this is controlled change!

When something unexpected doesn’t go according to plan, they’re thrown into chaos. The lack of a backup plan and a dysfunctional system are a recipe for disaster.

I get it. Change can be scary. But it doesn’t have to be. A lot of the time, when we’re prepared, these changes can be a blessing in disguise.

Maybe that last minute outdoor venue cancellation saved your guests from getting soaked in a rainstorm that appeared out of nowhere and would have created a risky weather situation to manage.

Maybe that crisis created a new way of thinking that saves your business thousands of dollars every year.

Maybe losing a core member of your executive team gives you the opportunity to think differently and engage an outside consultant for a fresh perspective on your business.

It’s all about adaptability. Hindsight is usually 20/20, but when you don’t yet have the perspective to fully look back and evaluate, at least have a plan for moving forward. And then if things didn’t go as planned, embrace the change. Pivot. Make new plans. Don’t block your blessings.

College athletics gave me the building blocks to create this career I have today and provided me with unique opportunities and insight. If I hadn’t been open to change (sometimes reluctantly) and new experiences, I would’ve missed out on all of this! My friends hear me say all the time, “Live for the story!”

I didn’t know that I was doing so at the time, but I’m glad I wasn’t blocking my blessings.

The Showpiece Difference

How can I help you stop blocking your blessings, pivot, and instead embrace change?

  1. At Showpiece Solutions, we ask the right questions. This helps us get to the bottom of the problem. What’s working? What’s not working? What changes are occurring that we can use to our advantage?
  2. After that, we think about things differently. When I’m brought into a business, I flip everything on its head. I find that this is the best way to discover a new, unique, effective solution. We see change as something to be excited about because it presents new opportunities and many potential blessings in disguise.
  3. We create backup plans for our backup plans. You never know when things can change. It can be unexpected and chaotic when working in a dynamic environment. That’s why we create backup plans for our backup plans’ backup plans. This way, we’re prepared to accept your blessings and turn them into an effective solution.


Interested in having us on your team so we can help you embrace change, build resilience and stop blocking your blessings? Reach out today.

Photo by Johann Walter Bantz on Unsplash